In this series, Felix Mendelssohn’s Song Without Words is paired with contemplative writings as daily meditations. Feel free to integrate these into your own practice of prayer.
Read MoreImagining this song being sung to a child, my goal was to musically and poetically communicate the heavenly Presence of God is in the faces and being of those who most purely embody the image of God for the child. For the child cannot conceive of the abstracted version of God we as adults so quickly cling; rather the child sees Love and God as synonymous energies at work in their lives. For where there is Love, there is God.
Read MoreJustice is true faith’s expression,
leaving healing in it’s wake.
Christ who suffered all injustice
became poor for humans’ sake.
Let our worship lead to mercy,
justice in our hearts awake.
Read MoreThis is a liturgy I used on Ash Wednesday in 2019 as a way to begin the Lenten season. Feel free to use any of the original material in the liturgy for your own use. There is a list at the bottom with notes and annotations.
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