Posts tagged christianity
Introduction to a Practice-Based Faith

I do believe the future of the Christian tradition (in terms of richness and vitality) relies on the extent to which we don’t box God in with our theology and the extent to which we convert understanding into experience. God does not just reside in our minds. God is everywhere present and finds home in our seeking, our questions, our doubts, our pain, our pleasure, and our rejoicing.

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A Statement of Faith

Faith cannot be reduced to a profession of prescribed intellectual principles; instead it is embodied and expressed through community. The knowledge component of faith is purified, refined, and qualified through our actions.  My own orthodoxy (right belief) and orthopraxy (right action) have a symbiotic relationship, which on its best days allows for the freedom to ask questions, graciousness towards myself and others in the knowing and unknowing, and the conviction to live into the likeness of Christ.

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